
Involving people with impairments in the design process is very challenging, especially when impairments affect cognitive functions or communication. People with such impairments may have substantial problems with thought processes and communication, including understanding abstractions, sequencing thoughts and actions, understanding symbols, and interpreting social cues.

Many participatory design techniques are based on these processes and are therefore not usable, or need to be adjusted for people with impairments.

This workshop aims to exchange experiences with participatory design techniques that were designed for, or adapted to people with impairments. Since many of these techniques are highly focused on specific target groups, a further aim is to extract general principles and to generate guidelines for involving users with impairments in the design process.

More particularly, this workshop aims to

  1. Bring together people who are active in the topic of the workshop to create a community.
  2. Exchange ideas about and experiences with tools and techniques for specific groups of users with impairments.
  3. Identify general principles and guidelines for doing participatory design with users with impairments.

The workshop is a follow-up workshop of a similar workshop at the 2012 Participatory Design Conference and the 2013 Interact conference. In this third workshop, the organizers wish not only to gather additional insights, but they especially aim to go a step further in the process and identify general guidelines for doing participatory design with people living with these impairments.